The best examples of Video CVs

In today’s competitive business world, the quest for employment requires an innovative approach.
Applying for a job and standing out from the crowd is complex, if not impossible.
It can happen that your profile is overlooked, even when your application could have been successful.
But are you aware of the possibility of applying for a job with a video CV?
Creating a video CV is a great way to stand out from the crowd.
Using a video CV energizes your speech and reflects your authenticity.
It has the ability to capture your audience’s attention.
Zoom in on everything you need to know about a video CV example.

What is a video CV?

Would you like to stand out from the crowd in your job search?
The video CV is a solution that can help you achieve this goal.
The video CV is a video format for presenting your professional profile.
It can last from a few minutes to ten minutes.
In your video CV, you can talk about your career path, professional experience, training, skills, motivations and professional goals.

In other words, the video CV is seen as a visual summary of your profile.
It’s similar to the classic interview exercise, where you’re asked to present yourself in just a few minutes.
A video CV is not intended to replace a cover letter or traditional CV.
Rather, it adds a visual and personal dimension to your application.
With a video CV, you have the opportunity to succinctly summarize your career path.
The aim, for both you and the recruiter, is to create a visual pre-contact.
This attracts attention and facilitates the initial assessment of the relevance of your profile.

A video CV is nothing like reading your written PDF CV.
It doesn’t require sophisticated cinematographic production.
Above all, it doesn’t replace the CV you made with Word, Canva or Photoshop.
Creating a video CV for your first job is entirely optional.
However, if you choose this type of CV, your presentation should be welcoming and full of smiles.

Would you like to create a video CV to help you stand out in your job search?
If so, you can make use of the Impress mobile CV creation application.
With this software, you can easily make your video CV.
Impress has video CV examples that you can consult before making your own.

Here is a beautiful Video CV created by Charline using Impress

Who can use a video CV?

As we mentioned earlier, video CVs are an interesting option that can help you stand out from the crowd.
However, this format is not necessarily suitable for all profiles.
Indeed, it can be a disadvantage for candidates with shy, reserved or hesitant personalities.
The video CV should genuinely reflect your real personality.
So avoid creating a persona that doesn’t match what you’d be like in a face-to-face meeting with a recruiter.
It’s an excellent option for those of you who feel comfortable with oral expression and who are self-confident.

What are the advantages of a video CV?

Video CVs are gaining in popularity because of the advantages they offer those who use them.
In the job market, they enable you to present your skills, personality and passion in a way that’s far more engaging than text on a page.
Among the reasons why adopting a video CV can make a real difference are:
Highlighting your personality

Creating a video CV allows you to go beyond the mere listing of skills.
In fact, this type of CV allows the candidate to authentically demonstrate their enthusiasm, self-confidence and passion.
Unlike a traditional curriculum vitae, which simply presents information in a static fashion, video CV templates enable the applicant to bring his or her career path to life.
By showcasing their personality in a dynamic way, candidates can establish an emotional connection with the recruiter.
A good video CV gives the recruiter a more complete and nuanced view of the candidate.

The authenticity of an original video CV is particularly powerful.
By expressing their enthusiasm, young graduates looking for a job can create a positive emotional impact.
It can also reveal facets and skills of the candidate that would not be apparent in a written student CV.
So the modern video CV represents an opportunity for job-seekers.
It allows them to stand out by demonstrating not only their professional skills, but also their personality and passion.
It’s an effective way of creating a memorable impression and strengthening the connection between graduate and recruiter.
Below is an example of a video CV.

A visual demonstration of your skills

Illustrating your skills finds particular power in the visual context.
If a picture can be worth a thousand words, a video has the potential to express literally millions.
By opting for a video CV, you have the opportunity to highlight your professional experience.
Do you have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree?
Are you looking for a job, internship, interview or job interview?
This form of CV will showcase your skills in a tangible way.

Video, as a format, transcends the limits of written descriptions.
It offers total immersion in your field of expertise.
A video CV allows recruiters to feel the energy and mastery you bring to your presentation.
Opting for this type of CV is a strategy for communicating your skills.
It’s an invitation to share your expertise in a way that transcends language barriers.

The best emotional resonance

Video CVs create an emotional connection with recruiters.
If you opt for a video format, you’ll have the opportunity to evoke authentic emotions and communicate your personality.
Unlike CVs in Word or PDF format, videos capture the very essence of the candidate.
This emotional resonance makes them easier to remember.
In fact, recruiters are more likely to remember an individual who has aroused positive emotions.

In a competitive job market, writing a cover letter is no longer enough.
The candidate needs to attract more attention from recruiters, and the use of video CVs is the best option.
They enable recruiters to see beyond mere technical skills and understand the person behind the résumé.
This emotional connection plays a decisive role in the selection process, as it creates a stronger bond between candidate and recruiter.

Une femme se prend en video selfie pour réaliser un CV vidéo

How do I make a video CV?

Do you want to apply for a job and don’t know how to make a video CV? If so, here are a few tips for creating quality content.

1. Write a script

Before you start using your Impress software and making choices about your outfit, you first need to clearly define the content of your presentation. The content of your speech must rival the clarity and precision of a simple professional CV. Besides, recruiters will watch your video mainly to obtain the important information they need to decide on your suitability for the job in question. That’s why it’s essential to draw up a script beforehand. It provides a step-by-step structure for your speech and covers aspects such as :

  • Your career ;
  • Your specific skills for the job ;
  • Your ambitions.

This approach ensures consistency in your video presentation. It makes it easier for recruiters to understand and evaluate your profile.

2. Take care of the frame

As with the inclusion of a photo on your CV, the creation of a video curriculum vitae template must follow a timeline and a few basic principles. To create a video CV for a student job, for example, it’s imperative to choose a peaceful environment. This environment must have adequate lighting. You should also position yourself in front of a plain, preferably light-colored background. Opt for a uncluttered background to enhance the visual quality of the video.

3. Choose a professional outfit

When writing your video curriculum, adopt an interview preparation approach even when you’re not formally in an appointment. Cultivate the image you’d like to project in person by choosing your outfit carefully. Even in the absence of a face-to-face meeting, visual presentation remains important. Opt for sober attire in keeping with the professional sector in which you aspire to evolve.

If you take all these criteria into account, you’ll establish a professional virtual presence that demonstrates your commitment to a polished and appropriate image. The choice of industry-appropriate attire reinforces the credibility and consistency of your presentation, even across a screen. This approach conveys consistent professionalism, whatever the context. It helps establish a positive first impression with virtual interlocutors.

4. Stay natural

The CV template, whether in video or written form, is only the first step in the process. There’s no need to play a role or hide your true personality, because the ultimate aim of the video CV is to reveal your authenticity. Recruiters appreciate the opportunity to get to know you better by observing the way you express yourself and behave. It’s the perfect time to showcase your true personality.

This type of CV remains the most effective way of finding a position in a professional environment that matches your values and personality. By exposing your true identity, you increase your chances of integrating harmoniously into a work environment suited to your expectations.

5. Keep it short

Limit your video to two minutes maximum. In a world where time is precious, no one wants to invest considerable time in interminable monologues. So opt for conciseness by presenting the essential information about your background in a succinct manner. You should express your interest in the position, while detailing what you’re looking for. This approach will be more than satisfactory.

In two minutes, you have the opportunity to capture recruiters’ attention by providing relevant details and demonstrating your suitability for the position. The brevity and clarity of your video will enable recipients to quickly grasp the crucial points. This will facilitate a rapid and positive assessment of your application. In short, keep in mind that conciseness is a virtue when creating your video.

6. Forget originality

Apart from the exceptions, simply making a good video CV is more than enough to add a touch of originality. Indeed, there’s no need to add complex elements such as sophisticated shots, music or any other overly creative idea. The main aim is to reveal your true identity and make you stand out from the crowd, rather than to demonstrate your filmmaking skills.

However, this rule can be set aside if you’re applying for jobs where your video skills are important. Positions such as graphic designer, content creator, designer, PowerPoint editor or advertiser are essential for day-to-day tasks. In this context, it may be appropriate to take a more creative approach to highlighting your specific skills.

And, as we briefly mentioned above, if you’re looking for an application to create an original video CV, you can make use of Impress. Impress stands out as an excellent  video CV creation application. This tool offers a variety of features to maximize the impact of your application. With its intuitive layout and diverse CV templates, this software simplifies the creation of your CV. You can use this software to create a classic chronological CV, a simple CV or a  Original CV.

The application offers free templates and well-defined headings to include your personal information. It features a neat layout that lets you download a professional CV for free. Looking for the perfect CV, original templates or elegant fonts? Impress is the creative answer to all your needs.

What’s more, the software makes it easy to create CVs in multiple languages, including English. It even offers seamless integration with LinkedIn. And with its advanced word processing, it makes for an original, effective and error-free CV. Download Impress now to stand out in your job applications with a graphic, creative and professional CV.

Create your Video CV with Impress